·         Model Kit Museum

·         Toy Museum

·         Stuff For Sale

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·         My Music




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Welcome to my website museum, a cross between the Smithsonian Institute and Pee-Wee's Playhouse...

If you're looking for neat stuff to add to your collection or if you just want to look at a bunch of neat stuff, you've come to the right place!

New photos will be added on a regular basis, so be sure to check back. There's lots more where these came from.


I also buy single model kits or whole collections, so if you've got some to sell or trade, let me know!

Even if it's junkers or just boxes of parts, I may be interested. I'm mainly looking for stuff that was produced before 1980.

Homeschool Online at Northgate Academy


My book is now on sale! Signed copies are available directly through me- $24.00 postpaid, check, money order, or Paypal- or, you can buy it at most major bookstores.


My three albums (OK- CD's) are officially finished and I am now taking orders. Price is $15 postpaid @.

Check, money order, credit card or Paypal to:

Dean Milano

362 Highland Ave.

Elmhurst, Il.   60126

 The titles of the albums: Songs About Stuff, Vestiges: More Songs About More Stuff and Something To Think About.

Click on the My Music page for more info.


The museum is now officially closed. This website will, however remain online in case anyone would like to see what the museum was like. Hope you enjoy the trip!



Our first Souvenir Item....for lack of a better term.

The build-it-yourself Milano Model & Toy Museum Delivery Van Model.

Made of sturdy cardboard, full-color graphics--- just cut it out and put it together.

It's fun for the whole family and it's a major ego trip for me since it not only has a beautiful reproduction of our neat little logo, but it also has my face in the windows! 

Just send $4 postpaid (No stamps, please!....did people actually do that at one time, send stamps instead of cash?) to The Milano Model & Toy Museum at the address above.

Collect 'em, trade 'em with your friends, get the whole series....actually there's only one, so skip that last part.

(Designed by Dean Milano with much appreciated help from Bill Carreon)


I've stopped producing the DVD, unless someone wants one really badly. Thanks to all the folks who bought one!

The museum DVD.

It's a little over an hour long and includes a complete walk-through of the museum exhibits. 

It also includes sections on the building of the museum, the opening night party and even a few of the TV shows we've appeared on.

Send check or money order for $15 postpaid, to:

Dean Milano

362 Highland Ave.

Elmhurst, Il.  60126

If you never got a chance to visit us before we closed, just click on the thumbnails below for a virtual tour of the museum.

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Neat picture of the storefront. No special effects used, the picture just came out that way by itself. Must be the heavens shining down on us.

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This was our Gift Shop, complete with a working early 1960s arcade game.

Lots of vintage model kits for sale along with an assortment of other goodies.


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Doin' our part for Orville & Wilbur on the 100th anniversary.

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Bill Carreon's fantastic collection of figure models.

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The "Front Room". This area featured playsets, toys, advertising memorabilia, old radios, salt and pepper shakers, Beer and soda pop paraphernalia, dioramas, and our "guest" showcase, which rotated displays and collections on a regular basis.

It also featured several shadowbox dioramas and the 15 ' long "Dean Street".


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This was the Model Kit room, with lots of cases and shelves for lots of models. This room also featured prototype models, large scale master models from Revell-Monogram, and many historic items from the model kit industry from the late 1940s to the present.


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And finally, the train layout and research library. The library was available to the public and contained a wealth of books and magazines on pop culture as well as model kit books and periodicals. 

Our H.O. scale train layout was a 10' x 5' beauty featuring an amusement park with working carnival rides and a small mid-western town circa the 1960s.


Me, completely out of control again!  


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